Efficacy of SDS For Protein Extraction from Broiler Muscles and Mammalian Liver Tissue

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Syeda Qandiel Zahra
Sidra Latif
Hira Nazir
Zunaira Izhar Shah
Azka Zafar
Ayesha Majid
Adil Farooq
Asif Mehmood Qureshi


Background: The present study purports to check and validate the potential of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) alone being a suitable and cost-effective lysis buffer for maximum and efficient protein extraction from various muscle tissues of broiler chicken and mammalian liver.

Materials and Methods: Three different muscle tissues (I; chest, II; wing and III; leg) were extracted from randomly selected commercial broilers (n=4) while mice (n=3) were dissected for the extraction of liver tissue samples. 1:1 ratio (w/v) of SDS; 10 and 1.0 & 1.5% was used for muscles and liver tissues, respectively for its best time optimization for protein extraction. After incubation, respective tissues were homogenized followed by centrifugation. The supernatant was then processed for crude protein (CP) extraction by Bromocresol Green (BCG) method.

Results: SDS (10%) achieved a maximum yield of CP after 1 hour of incubation. When checked the co-dependence of SDS-reagent on muscle-tissue type and time of incubation, tissue I (chest) was found to give maximum CP contents after 1 hour of incubation, tissue II (wing) extracted more CP after 3 hours while tissue III (leg) rendered equal amounts of CP after 1, 2 and 3 hours of incubation, respectively. From the mammalian liver tissue maximum yield of CP (6.9 g/dl), and albumin (ALB) (1.6 g/dl) was obtained with 1.5% of SDS. While the CP and albumin (Alb) content was not detected after homogenization with 1.0% SDS. Significance was checked at (P< 0.05).

Conclusion: It is concluded from the above findings that 10% SDS is the best lysis buffer concentration to extract crude protein from all the studied broiler muscle tissues while from mice liver samples we found 1.5% SDS lysis reagent seems good than 1.0%. Furthermore, this simple and cheapest procedure and ease of preparation this reagent may be suitable for extraction of important tissue protein fractions.

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How to Cite
Zahra, S. Q., Latif, S., Nazir, H., Shah, Z. I., Zafar, A., Majid, A., Farooq, A., & Qureshi, A. M. (2022). Efficacy of SDS For Protein Extraction from Broiler Muscles and Mammalian Liver Tissue . Albus Scientia, 2022(1), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.56512/as.2022.1.e220624


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