Metal Dust Exposure Caused Changes in Blood Indices and Serum Proteins
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Background: Amongst the industrial hubs in Pakistan, Wazirabad is renowned for its cutlery industry. Cutlery industry generates heaps of multi-metallic dust in whetting units during the processing of stain fewer steel tools. This dust comprises certain potentially toxic and even carcinogenic constituents, thus pose a serious health threat to the workers involved in its processing. Laborers health and safety is something quite non-seriously considered in most of the developing countries, no different is Pakistan. Present exploration was aimed at searching for the differences, in blood profile and quantitative serum protein profile of a group of laborers in cutlery industry that are directly and regularly exposed to multi-metallic dust.
Materials and Methods: After taking written consent from the participants, blood samples were drawn for hematological analysis and serum analysis. Hematological analysis was performed with hematological analyzer and serum was subjected to SDS gel electrophoresis for protein profiling.
Results: Statistically significant changes were observed in the number of RBCs, MCV, HCT and RDW, whereas platelet count was decreased in experimental groups when compared to control group. Serum protein profiling using SDS-PAGE revealed the protein fractions ranging from 73 to 287 kDa. Densitometric analysis has shown changes in the serum proteins of the subjects exposed to metal dust.
Conclusion: Chronic exposure to the metal dust induce changes in the hematological parameters as well as serum proteins. The industrial workers should ensure the use of industry specific personal safety equipment.
Key words: Health hazard, Hematology, Metals, Metal dust, Proteins, SDS-PAGE.
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